Happiness is Bagua! Thank you Laoshi...!

Happiness is Bagua!  Thank you Laoshi...!

Jun 3, 2009

Luo De-Xiu's Internal Martial Arts Seminars

Luo De-Xiu's Internal Martial Arts Seminars 2009

August 13-17

Chen Pan-Ling Tai Chi Chuan: The Chen Pan-Ling style combines key martial training strengths of diverse forms of Tai Chi Chuan and other internal martial arts. Sections 5 and 6, Form and Usage:
Dao Yin Qi Gung: Training for mind-spirit-body integration and internal strength. The Five Animals at Play is the most ancient form of moving qi gong, attributed to Hua Tou (110-207 AD), known as the father of Chinese medicine. In addition to the five animals (tiger, deer, monkey, bear, crane) zhan zhuang standing meditation and breathing practices will be taught.

Ba Gua Zhang: Graceful, powerful internal martial art system based on smooth, continuous circling and spiraling movements. Gao-Style Ba Gua Zhang offers a complete health system and foundation for martial skill. Xian Tian Circle Walking, Forms 6-8,

Xing Yi Quan: Powerful, direct martial art. Forms and usage of four animal forms will be taught (hawk, snake, monkey, horse).

For registration and further information contact:
Marilyn Heidrick at 303-525-8907, denverbagua@gmail.com